"Somethings Can't be Allowed to Stay"

Nov 27, 2022    Pastor Jimmy D.

*How does a worm get into an apple? It is laid and is deposited into the apple, it begins in the heart

*we feed people with a long handled spoon, we build walls

*if you’re going to get the best of God, somethings have to go

*walk with God and do what He says, day in and day out and

*it takes some determination, do it God’s way

*seven is the number linked to God’s completeness

*God always puts us in a position where human strength will fail, this is where miracles are birthed

*when we walk with God, we have to give up our own rights and will

*it takes dying, everything was killed except Rahab

*if you’re going to get the best from God, some things have to go

*the problem with Jericho was not the city, it was the people

*it takes some dedication

*it takes some dying

Determined, Devoted and Dedicated

*anything that you need can be found in God

*whatever it is that prevents us from working with each other has to die

*we know what that thing is, that has to die