Oct 9, 2022    Rev. Taija Jenkins

•some of us are dealing with some difficult times

•for every trouble, there is an expiration date, but God gives us a way out

•when trouble comes to us we cannot fly off the handle

•you have to know who God is…

•no matter what comes, you have to know who God is

•God will not allow his name to be defiled by anyone, he will fight our battles and deliver us

•you have to learn God

•others can only help you but so much, but God…

•when we grow in our faith sometimes God is silent

•How can I wait and be of good courage?

ANSWER- that’s exactly what faith is! Wait on the Lord and trust in God

•wait on the Lord, then he will strengthen your heart

•David knew what the outcome would be (wait on the Lord)

•the Lord saw David through many test and trials

•God will deliver you and bring you out

•”my hope is built on nothing less but Jesus Blood and Righteousness” 🩸🩸🩸