Oct 30, 2022

*the institute of Fatherhood is under attack

*we need full time Fathers

*when God created marriages, the Father played the key role

*1/3 of our households are without Fathers

*Fathers make a difference in the lives of children, many homes without Fathers have many problems (discipline, mental, physical and emotional etc.)

*entertainment portrays Fathers in a negative manner and useless

*satan wants to eliminate the influence of Fathers in the home

*leaving a good legacy starts with a good foundation

*you can be a Father but have no Legacy to leave behind

*you can leave a Legacy of wealth but miss the mark

*the Ark is a vessel that represented the presence of God

*the Legacy of a good Father is based on a solid foundation in God

*if not built properly, your foundation will fail

*trials will expose a bad foundation

*when the Ark was bought into Obed-Edom’s house it changed their focus

*Jacob’s focus was changed and God changed his name to Israel

*the focus of the Father will influence his children

*keep living upright

*there will be times that your children will fall away, keep living upright in the sight of God

*your work pays off

*build an eternal Legacy

*the devil has been after the Father from the beginning of the world