"Seize the Moment"

Oct 16, 2022    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*the miracle in Mark is not how you got to Jesus, but how you got to Him when you could not see”

*he wants to let us in on blind Bartimaeus family, his daddy was an unclean man

*he lived on the outside because he was banned, continuation of a generational curse

*he was banned, blind and broke, outcast

*when they put him out there, they put him in the path of Jesus

*he gets an opportunity at the worst time of his life

*one touch and one encounter with Jesus can change your life forever

*an opportunity of a lifetime will only last for the lifetime of the opportunity

*you only have a short time to change your life for the rest of your life

*time is now, seize the moment, maximize the opportunity

*”Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me”

*faith is not based on what you see, “now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”

*he must have heard from a street Jesus (street Evangelism) not a sanctuary Jesus

*he heard Him by his street name but called Him by His Messianic name

*the whole crowd, following Jesus, still did not know who He was

*the crowd was in the church doing “churchy stuff” but church was not in the crowd

*how was one man louder than the crowd of folks? The crowd was not saying nothing

*the crowd was only focused on the blind man making noise but not saying nothing (praise)

*you don’t know what I been through, what God done for me

*when the text starts Jesus is moving and Bartimaeus is standing, by the time the text ends Bartimaeus is standing still and Jesus is moving. Jesus is passing through the time is now