Dec 4, 2022    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

“It Didn’t Just Happen”

*this is a story about a deep relationship

*it traces the genealogy of King Jesus

*Boaz authenticates Ruth

*it is a powerful Love story

*the left home to survive the famine, it ended up being eleven years

*Elimelech did not survive the famine, nor did his two sons

*Naomi was sorrowful about what she had lost, it seemed hopeless

*who would have thought a prominent family would end up running from a famine

*all three women had gone through death, their common denominator is pain

*there is a secret fraternity of folks who have been through pain

*”it was in my pain and struggle where God showed Himself MIGHTY”

*Ruth decided that she was going back home

*What do you do, when you think the clock is against you?

*God blesses you by what you have left, He is not worried about what you lost

*God is there all the time, don’t believe in coincidence

*God is in complete control

*”it didn’t just happen”

*some folk have to drop off at different points in your life

*Boaz was the kinsman redeemer for Ruth

*Jesus is the kinsman redeemer for humanity