"There's a Hero in You"

Oct 23, 2022    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*the church at Corinth was infected and was rebelling against Paul’s character

*first they accused Paul of taking money

*Paul was accused of not being a real Apostle

*Paul says he is a earthen vessel carrying around treasure

*Paul shares “I am not guilty of what you are accusing me of but I am not perfect either”

*I am valuable because I am the habitation of Jesus Christ”

*”He who is too big to be housed lives inside of me”

*”One day the church will get excited about Jesus”

*”there is power in the name of Jesus”

*”Jesus is an all purpose name”

*Jesus is the divine content inside of you and I, defective containers”

*”He puts something divine and put it inside of something flawed”

*”this earthen vessel has nothing to do with pottery or earth, it has to do with carrying Jesus without concealing Him”

*”Jesus should flow out of us, He’s too big to hide”

*Paul proves his argument in this scripture

*”Paul says he is closed in but can get out”

*”I thought I was carrying the treasure but doing difficult times I learned the treasure was carrying me”

*Paul is addressing the people who tried to cast him down

*many of the enemies who fought us were inside the church, but you survived because of what is inside of you

*the trouble came in verse 6 but the treasures came in verse 8

*God had already prepared you!

*while they were attacking you, they didn’t realize that the death marks were already on me (Dead in Christ)

*when the enemy attacks, they are helping to reveal Jesus inside of you

*you need enemies to cause God to show himself mighty in your life

“we are going to fail because the container is flawed, but the holes allow the light to be revealed in our lives