"Respecting Your Man, God's Way"

Aug 20, 2023    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*because of sin, God came up with a way to protect men and women from each other

*1Corinthians 11:3 establishes God’s Chain of Command for marriage

*in essence everyone is equal but not in function

*if there is no CEO, nothing gets done. It does not function

*with ownership there are some rights

*God owns marriage, and He is not interested in your advice, He knows how he wants this world to work.

Hierarchy established by God:


The Church


*todays focus is on the Family Institution

*God is the one who makes sure the the owner’s function in accordance with his establishment

*there are some women who make it difficult for the family unit to function

*the home was one place where there was no doubt who the man (Patriarch) was

*there is no command, in the Bible, for a woman to love her husband

*Love is not a man’s greatest need, it is reverence (respect)

*men make self attempts to inflate our ego, a God given need for Dominion. Men complain that “my wife doesn’t respect me”.

*In marriage it’s a mutual agreement with needs

*1Peter3- wives be submissive to your own husband

*just like Jesus suffered unjustly, wives summit to your own husband

*we have started responding to Christ on some level, before we judge it we must understand it

*this is not a license to beat up on your wife (the weaker vessel)

*we submit to those in authority, not to anything that causes us to disobey God

*Biblical submission

*you should not get married under the pretense that you can change them

*don’t marry someone who you do not think you can submit to

*if you marry someone weaker than you, you will be miserable and frustrated. It will give birth to perpetual fighting

*if you are already married to this situation you have to build up the man where he is weak

*the marriage relationships precedes all other relationships in the home

Opposites attract, there has to be a balance

*lack of this gives birth to disrespect

*separate accounts cause problems, there is a trust issue, unresolved

*if you have a problem putting the rod on them, let the husband do it

*nagging does not work (why is the man not responding?)

*he should never get tired of loving his wife

*the woman needs TLC, the man needs RESPECT

*respect is to be visibly demonstrated (I recognize your position in the home)

*a Judge in court holds you in contempt if you dishonor his court room

*the home is God’s divine court room