"GOD is hungry for your Praise"

Jul 23, 2023    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*Preachers and teachers often focus on sharing what God has done and will do for us

*it’s not about our position church ministry

*these are Christians who were: not committed, not conformed, not delivered, not consecrated

*Jesus telling us to “take up our cross” was a hard Alter Call

*the Cross we are nailed to is not wood; it could be our feeling of anxiety and inadequacies. This is when the enemy plays truth are dare with our minds 

*”you have to present your body a living sacrifice”. When you can lay there and take the discomfort, I will know you Love me (Jesus)

*sacrifice is a bloody and dirty business

*the moment of perhaps Jesus greatest miracle was that “the woman, 18 years with a issue of blood, kept coming to church, she was relentless.

*faith is proven in that while your storm is raging, you remain faithful

*if you wanna confuse the enemy, praise The Lord while you are going through

*in the mist of it all, praise God anyhow

*You gotta know that you know that you know

*High Praise to God is a God thing, give God the fruit of your lips

*God will come and see about you

*” The power of life and death” is in your mouth

*God is hungry for the fruit that comes from your mouth

*God inhabits the praise of his people, all you gotta do is open your mouth

*an umbrella doesn’t change the circumstances on the outside but it does affect what happens under the umbrella, praising God under the umbrella impacts what is going on beneath the umbrella of God’s Love. Praise him in the middle of your situations.

*whatever you need God’s got it, he’s qualified because of the finished work of Jesus at the cross. The same God is available to change your circumstances, just open your mouth and give him praise.*the enemy wants to silence your praise.