"God Absolutely Cares"

Apr 2, 2023

Peter 5: 7 (Amplified)

When circumstances cause suffering, suffering will cause anxiety 

*the Bible doesn’t tell us to throw off affliction, but throw off anxiety 

*God understands our feelings and concerns 

*God has feelings

*Power without passion has no temperance 

*God has passion and temperance, feeling 

*it’s not wrong to have feelings, it’s wrong when your feelings have you 

*when to enemy is the inner me, the heart shuts down 

*worry and anxiety are sins

*when your heart is broken, people often try to fix it and make it worse 

*the enemy will try and tell you that God does not care

*when fear and anxiety attacks us we charge God falsely 

*God do you care?

*people have given up on their faith because they thought God did not care

*God understands that you have feelings, you can have feelings and be a person of faith 

*God asks Cain “why has your countenance fallen?”

*God cares how you feel 

*we’re good at hiding the things that we should be revealing 

*Jesus tells us to “believe and we shall receive it”

*God cares about you!

*your heart can cry out to God and your lips not move

*when no pain gets into your heart no beauty comes in either 

*there is a difference between “guarding your heart” and shutting it off 

*God wants to put a catheter in our heart and flush it 

*you cannot be angry and worship 

*when worship connects us, all that matters is worship and pleasing God

*arrogance stops us from getting our heart right 

*we come in the sanctuary and worship what we had in mind 

*praise and ask God for His will and what He has in mind for our lives 

*”God confuse my plans”

*the weapon in our arsenal is the Bible 

*the answers are in God’s word 

*trust your instruments (your spirit), God will always bring you out right side up