"Give your Anxiety an Eviction Notice"

Mar 26, 2023    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*a partition is designed to interrupt the flow of information

*in the world classroom, God gives us spiritual instruction

*some partitions are tricks of the devil to interrupt spiritual truths

*Christians find themselves on all kinds of medications, but God has already given us the solution

*we put ourselves in the place of God when we take things into our own hands

*anxiety wins when we shut up

These are the 3 weapons God has given us:

Prayer to fight with

•learn how to pray 

•God has all the answers

Supplication (Thanksgiving)

•an act of humility 

•lowering yourself so that God will be elevated

•when you get rid of your pride God will move


•when the terrorist attacks, I dare you to count your blessings

•the enemy fights you because of the God in you

•start thanking God for the job you don’t like

•start thanking God for people who trouble your life

•learn how to get rid of anxiety and tell it “you got to go”

*Thanksgiving- make your request known unto me

*Come in confidence that God is enough for everything I’m facing

*And the peace of God- it’s not your peace, but God’s peace

*anxiety will always try to get you in isolation

*it will try and suffocate you with stress

*you will slip into a state of depression and not even know it

*don’t allow the enemy to cause you to take your whole life away because of threats and stress

*stress will cause you to worry long after the threat has expired and the time is passed

*whatever the enemy sets up against you will not prosper

*all that you need is locked up in Jesus

*the scriptures have to come off the pages of the Bible and become life