"Principles for Powerful Living"

Mar 19, 2023    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*there were non as sinful as the Corinthian church

*for this reason, it received the greatest amount of rebuke

*chapter 13 is its peak, it’s about love

*in Spiritual Warfare our alertness can be dulled by sinful pride

*alertness begins with awareness that we have a real enemy

1. Wake up:

•be on guard, be watchful

•there were people trying to corrupt their faith

•we have this concern today

2. Stand up:

•stand firm and make it a habit in your life

•we desire to please, but not at the expense of displeasing God

•being right with God might mean displeasing men

•we sometimes have to intercept people going in the wrong direction and tell them what thus says The Lord

3. Man up:

•grow up

•be courageous

•be mature

•maturity is a mark of love

•grow in maturity in Jesus Christ

•exercise sound judgment

•it’s not easy

•greatness does not come easy

•the enemy is always out to get us

4. Pray it up:

•spiritual strengthening

•be strong in The Lord

•the strength to obey God comes from our inner person

•our responsibility is to take on the world’s challenges with strength

•our supreme source of strength is Christ Jesus

•everything we do should come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ

•our hobbies have to come under the Lordship of Christ

•the entertainment we engage in have to come under the Lordship of Christ

5. Love it up:

•we have a habit of self absorption

•people naturally appreciate you, let it reflect and not absorb (Glory to God)

•we can’t do what we do as some angry militant

•self absorption is indifferent to people and the effects we have on them

•there has to be a delicate balance of love and suspicion

•what the Government does now, God will do at our Judgment Day

•how we show Love, while we serve, will store up credits in Glory (how we love)

•because of His Love for us Jesus went to the cross

•Jesus showed us how to Love