"Why Marriage?"
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-25
*the devil has ripped us off, God gave man dominion within His boundaries but has not relinquished sovereignty
*God said “it is not good for man to be alone”
*God created man a helpmate, to help him have dominion
*man does not have everything he needs
*if God provides help, He knows that you need it
*the woman’s point of view is essential information
*God gives man the vision but he needs woman to add the details
*whenever men make decisions in the house without consulting his wife he will be missing essential information and concerns that are needed
*he needs input from his help meet
*she is essential to man ruling the world well
*God gave Adam authority to name all animals
*whatever Adam named it, God endorsed it
*God bought it to Adam, Adam named them. Adam was subordinate to God
*man cannot expect subordination from his wife if he is not subordinate to God
*man, the husband, has to set the temperature in the home
*the home dynamic mirrors our relationship with God
*before God gives Adam a mate, God gave him a job
*God gave Adam responsibility and a job before He gave him Eve
*Adam had to lose something (rib from his side) before he could gain something (woman to be at his side)
*He fashioned the rib He took from man
*when the woman wakes up all she sees is the hand of God. God takes her and introduces her to Adam
*the best way to find your mate is to function with your hand in God’s hand
*Adam names woman, he said “she shall be called Woman”
*you take his name because you fall under his government, as head of the home
*if she falls under him she is equal in essence but in function the roles are different
*anything with two heads is a monster, two people cannot lead
*Gen. 2:24- first nuptials
*”if I had a momma and a daddy I would leave you for her”
*his allegiance and alliance is first and foremost to his mate. If you are not ready for this, you are not ready to be married
*the wife must feel that she is first
*the two must become one, if you have trust issues stay single
*God cannot work effectively in the marriage without the two becoming one
*when you become one you are moving in the same direction
*you cannot eat from two different tables and be effective
*the body, soul and spirit comes together to form something new
*”they were naked and were not ashamed”, sex was regular and normal
*they were at ease with themselves, the woman was secure with herself and totally at ease
*creation of the husband and wife was tied to dominion
*when Adam lost his rib he got back more than he lost
*this is why God instituted marriage