"Lord Send Help Everywhere"

Mar 5, 2023    Pastor Jimmy D. Hubbard

*we must yield to the control and constraints of God

*conviction leads to conversion

*no one will change because of your conviction

*revert is going back to your former actions

*diversion is being distracted from your way

*perverted means using something for which it was not intended

*conversion means changing your ways, for good

*if your environment doesn’t change, you will be in constant conflict

*this creates a war within us, internal

*what do I do when my enemy is the inner me?

*Paul says “I’m walking around in conflict because of my sin nature”

*my mind desires to serve The Lord but my nature is in conflict

*we all want to be Spiritual but nobody wants to be real

*conviction comes to convert us not to condemn us

*Paul is in conflict because the spirit is warring against the flesh

*if you have voices in your head to convict you, that’s satan

*God would never condemn us, that’s a trick of the devil

*we’re going to have our share of problems

*if you live long enough, you’ll discover that you cannot trust yourself

*God sends us through trials so that the world will know He delivered us

*God raises the dead thing in our lives

*God will constantly be delivering us

*Live victoriously

*He has delivered us, He is delivering us and He shall deliver us, same God

*look out, here I come and I’m bringing Jesus with me